I''ll review your website

Get some feedback on your site or ad from other rental owners and techies. Also a library of online resources so you can make DIY improvements to your web presence.
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I''ll review your website

Post by twinhope »

Hi everyone. I have just joined this site after lurking for the past two weeks. I am not an expert on websites but I can comment on basically what a visitor to your site might think. I have just completed my own site (I have never done anything like this before ) In the furture I might ask for a review of my site but I will wait for awhile until I feel more confident in letting others view it. (Most of you seem like experts;at least to me you do) I am afraid my site is probably filled with HTML errors but I wouldn't know how to change that anyway. My site is very basic but I have already received two booking from it so that makes me happy.(I can't believe my contact form really works) I really just wanted a place where I could post more pictures and have a place to send a potential guest to for more info. which is what my website is. I have enjoyed the information that I have received from the whole LMH site and look forward to being a member and learning from those who have been doing this for awhile. ....twinhope
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Location: Yorkshire Dales UK

Post by Candy »

I was going to have a look at your website I think I am the same as you at the moment I am working my way through css problems it is so hard when you have not got a clue what you are doing any way what I was going to say is I can't find your website address
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Post by twinhope »


I have not yet put my address on the site because I am not confident enough yet to have others in the know look at it. I have no idea what I am doing and I am learning as I go along. I learn something new everyday and then put it to use in my website. My friends all think it looks good but they are not experts. As I said, I did get two bookings from it even though I have no idea how they found me. I guess because I am proud of what I have done just by trial and error with no help, I am afraid someone will think it is a very bad job and deflate my balloon. Someday when I am more sure of the site I will give my address. ...Sharon (twinhope)
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Location: Yorkshire Dales UK

Post by Candy »

One of my favourite sayings is we are all forever students
I have had some people look at my website and have had some really good points made and some great help sometime a fresh pair of eyes is great and they are honest because they do not know you. I am now working my way through the errors but I wouldn't have had known about them if it was not pointed out to me. I look forward to seeing your website one day, but the most important thing is you like it and it works for you.
Hells Bells
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Post by Hells Bells »

Sharon, you will get some very good advice from here if you post your address. Don't be shy.
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