I.C.E- In Case of Emergency

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Holiday Almeria
Posts: 324
Joined: Sun Mar 22, 2009 3:04 pm
Location: Puerto Rey, Vera, Almeria

I.C.E- In Case of Emergency

Post by Holiday Almeria »

Received this from our neighbourhood watch co- ordinator the other day and thought it may be of use:
For those of you who live here with Spanish mobile phones and already use ICE it may be advisable to change to Aa. For those of you who are holiday makers it may be advisable to use Aa on your Spanish mobile and if you only have an English mobile perhaps put it in as well as ICE.

At NHW we have in the past promoted ICE on mobile phones as a heading for 1 or preferably 2 numbers to be called in an emergency, ie should you be injured and unconscious in accident then contact can be made with a spouse, next of kin or a friend, this has been adopted in the UK for some time.

Last week it was announced that the Ministry for the Interior and the Spanish Red Cross had launched a campaign to encourage phone users to include an "In case of emergency number" on their mobiles. The heading being promoted is "Aa" which stands for "Avisar ", the Spanish equivalent of "Call" in case of an emergency.

With using Aa the number or numbers (Aa1, Aa2 etc) will be the first in the phone directory.

Ambulance staff and police will be told to use this method.